Having a baby is one of the biggest milestones you ever have in life and as a first-time parent, it can be extremely difficult to know what to expect when the time comes to bring your new baby home from the hospital. This is the moment when your life changes forever, so you’re bound to have an abundance of questions as to what you should be doing and from feeding to washing and even bathing your baby.
Here’s a quick guide on what to expect when bringing your new baby home from the hospital:
- Feeding
One of the major questions you’ll ask yourself is whether you should breastfeed or give your baby formula milk. Your midwife should advise you on which is best after being closely monitored in the hospital, but you should always double-check if you need clarification.
During the first few days with your new baby, it may take time to get the hang of breastfeeding as you form a bond, however, if you find that they’re not taking the milk naturally or you’re starting to feel uncomfortable, there’s no reason why you couldn’t opt to feed your baby on formula milk, which contains the correct nutrients and vitamins for healthy growth and wellbeing.
- Washing
The good news is that you won’t have to bathe your baby in the first few days, however, it’s important to wash their face, neck and hands for hygiene purposes. Always ensure your baby is wide awake and comfortable beforehand and ensure the room is at a warm temperature.
When only washing certain parts of their body, all you’ll need is a bowl of warm water, a towel, a piece of cotton wool for dabbing the skin and of course, a clean nappy.
- Changing their nappy
As you may well know, babies need to have their nappies changed regularly. If you fail to do so, you’ll find that the excretion could rub against the skin and cause sores and rashes which need treatment. Therefore, don’t leave it too long to check your baby’s nappy throughout the day. On average, you need to change the nappy between 10-12 times per day in the first few months and 6-8 times in the following months.
- Crying
It’s normal for babies to cry, but some do more than others. It may be for the fact that they are restless, but there are also many other reasons why they may cry, including the likes of:
- Hunger
- Pain
- Dirty nappy
- Wind
- Tiredness
There are certain times throughout the day when your baby may cry much more than usual, and this tends to be in the early evening – they may also be unsettled before a feed. If you’re worried about your baby constantly crying, it may be a sign that they’re ill and therefore, would be a good idea to book a GP appointment.