If you’re someone who likes to be extremely organised and stocks up on groceries to prevent running low, bulk-buying is certainly a shopping technique to consider. While you’re free to purchase multiple items from the supermarket to tie you over until your next shop, it doesn’t always provide the benefits that buying in a bulk order does.
In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the main benefits of bulk buying and why you should make this small change in your lifestyle today!
- Reduce waste
By buying in bulk, you will notice a significant difference in the amount of packaging and food you throw away on a weekly or monthly basis. Therefore, with bulk buying, you’re ultimately reducing your carbon footprint and doing your bit for the environment. You’ll discover that bulk products are typically sold in significantly less packaging than if they were sold alone, which means less plastic will end up on landfill. You may also realise just how much you had previously been throwing away. According to a study, each time a product is produced in bulk, emissions are reduced by almost 50% as opposed to individually sold products.
- Save money
Everyone likes to save cash wherever they can, but did you know that bulk buying can, in fact, be a much cheaper alternative than shopping for individual products? It has been suggested that purchasing items in a bulk order from selected retailers such as BulkCo could reduce the price of products by up to 50%, as opposed to purchasing directly from the supermarket. This is due to the fact that you’re not paying for excess packaging and fancy branding, meaning that you’ll be spending less on your favourite goods.
- You’ll always have what you need
There’s nothing more frustrating than running out of an item that you’re in desperate need of. With the recent outbreak of Coronavirus, people are rushing to the shops to stock up on the essentials which is causing inconvenience for other shoppers, as shelves are left empty. Hygiene products are in particularly high demand as a result of the current situation, meaning that you could be waiting weeks for new stock to arrive. Thanks to Bulkco, you are free to purchase a bulk order of the groceries, household and hygiene products in a single order which should last you for weeks at a time.
- Save time
Due to the busy lifestyles we lead, it can be extremely stressful finding the time to get to the supermarket and do the weekly food shop. For the items that don’t expire quickly, buying in bulk will save you having to venture out to the shops on a regular basis and simply stock up on everything you need. What’s more, you won’t have to cope with huge amounts of packaging which needs to be taken out to the trash.
Becoming a ‘bulk buyer’ isn’t something you may have ever thought and is a technique that you may need to get used to. It’s up to you to make that all-important first step in understanding the benefits bulk buying can have on your everyday lifestyle.