Bulk buying is one of the best ways to save money on your shopping bill. However, one of the questions you may be asking is whether bulk-buying all of your usual groceries in a single order is a reasonable long-term money-saving strategy or will the items you don’t get around to using simply go to waste?
Now, it’s fair to say that the British like to bag themselves a bargain and the good news is, that bulk-buying could be the answer you’re looking for when it comes to cutting down your monthly grocery bills.
According to a study, almost three-quarters of British shoppers have claimed that they now buy items in bulk as opposed to single units, so you shouldn’t be missing out. Here’s what you need to know about how buying in bulk can save you money:
Getting more for your money
As mentioned, buying in bulk is the perfect way to get your hands on your favourite products at a significantly reduced cost. When buyers are enticed by a low price, they’re much more likely to buy more of it. While you may end up spending more initially, it can save you a lot of cash in the long-term, especially if you require a large amount of a certain item. Bulk buying means that whenever you run out of a product, there is always a brand-new product waiting in the cupboard to be used at an already slashed cost.
Buying in bulk is not only cheaper when it comes to the price of each unit, but not having to visit the supermarket on a more regular basis means you’ll also save money on fuel and public transport costs.
Buy exactly what you need
If you use certain items frequently and are non-perishable for several months, buying in bulk will become a huge money-saving method; providing you only purchase items you’re confident you’ll use up by the best before date, so you’re sure you’re getting a bargain. It would be a good idea to make a note or even a spreadsheet of how many items you have in your stock cupboard, how much you’re expected to use and when they are out of date, so you can plan meals and usages accordingly.
If you’re really trying to be savvy and save as much cash as you can, don’t run the risk of only getting halfway through using a product before it goes out of date or getting too carried away with overusing goods simply because you have so much stock to get through.
Do you research
While buying in bulk from sites such as Bulkco is guaranteed to get you the very best deal on all of your groceries, it’s always good to do your research to give you the peace of mind that you’re making the most of your money. Ask yourself questions such as ‘how much does this cost in general stores as a single unit?’ and ‘how much will I be saving if I buy in bulk?’
By doing a few quick online searches on a range of stores, you’ll be able to carry out a quick price comparison and find that buying in bulk is typically the most cost-effective solution.