Category Archives: Coronavirus

Benefits of Washing Up Liquid

Washing up liquid is a household essential that we all need within our homes to carry out the cleaning of crockery, but have you ever considered that there are a vast number of other uses for it aside from washing dishes? In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the key uses of […]

Why Should You Be Stocking Up on Hand Sanitiser?

During the current Covid-19 pandemic, hand sanitiser has become a lifesaver to help fight against germs while people are away from their homes. With germs spreading catastrophically from person to person, it can be extremely difficult to keep yourself protected against the deadly virus. Luckily, hand sanitisers and gels are a good alternative to soap […]

How to Stockpile Sensibly for Lockdown

When the news was released that lockdown was approaching due to the outbreak of Coronavirus, millions of Brits panicked that shops would be closing and wouldn’t be able to get their hands on essential products. With online businesses remaining open, it’s still possible to get everything you need without having to leave your home. The […]

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