All You Need to Know About Wearing Face Masks

Now that the UK has lifted some of its restrictions within the hospitality and hairdressing industries, face masks must be worn to reduce the spread of COVID-19. While you may not feel comfortable wearing face protection, they are a measure that has been put in place to prevent the spread of the disease as we are allowed to spend more time within public settings.

Each week, the guidelines set out by the government are changing as the pandemic evolves, however, the guidance below should help you understand the rules that have been put in place in England at the current time:

It is now compulsory to wear face masks on public transport, within hairdressers as well as hospitals, both as a medical professional or an outpatient.

Since the 15th June 2020, it has been made compulsory to wear a face mask on public transport, or you may be refused the eligibility to travel. If you refuse to wear a face-covering when asked, you could be faced with a fine of up to £1000.

It isn’t however, an obligatory requirement to wear a face mask while you’re waiting for your transport to arrive, but in some train stations across the country, you may be asked to wear a face mask before entering the premises.


Wearing a face mask may be excused for a small number of the population,
including the likes of:
  • Very young children
  • Those who have a disability and are unable to apply and remove the mask
  • Those with respiratory conditions
  • Those who are travelling with someone who lip-reads


How to wear your face covering appropriately

Although face masks have been proven to reduce the spread of the disease, the way in which you wear the mask impacts its ability to protect you. Here are some tips on how to wear a mask correctly:

  • Always wash your hands before applying, to prevent germs spreading to the face.
  • Cover your nose and mouth and limit gaps around the sides of the face.
  • Ensure you are well-protected but can breathe comfortably.


Can children wear masks?

It would be highly advised that only children over the age of 11 wear masks. Very small children could potentially suffocate.

Buying a face mask

It would be best to purchase a face mask from a reputable business, rather than a company you have stumbled across online. While many people are choosing to make their cloth face masks, do be aware that it doesn’t provide 100% protection as it does not correspond with health and safety standards, unlike medical, disposable masks.

You can purchase medically approved disposable face masks from Bulkco. We sell a wide selection of masks to suit your needs in packs of 3, 4 and 5 so you’re well-prepared to venture out of your home safely.

If you would like any further information on our face masks, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team today.

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